Flavour Mods

What are These?

By default all the Darren co drivers are 'full flavour' and contain a lot of extra words to make the experience more fluid and dynamic so things like 'bump' may sometimes be called as 'mind the bump' or 'watch the bump' etc. The distance calls also have a chance of words of encouragement such as 'push push' or 'go flat' etc. 
These flavour mods allow you to pair these back or strip them away completely for a cleaner, less chatty experience. 
IMPORTANT: These are add-on mods for my co driver and NOT stand alone installs so these need to be installed over the top of a base install from downloads. If you are happy with my co driver in it's default state then you do no need one of these. They are purely optional so people can fine tune their experience.  They are compatible with any of the corner scales.

How to Install

To install just extract the plugins folder from the zip file and copy it over the top of your existing one.  overwrite when prompted.
To uninstall just use the full flavour mod from this page or re install my co driver from scratch.
1. No Flavour Download
100% Clean, accurate and non chatty. This removes ALL the flavour calls consequently stripping the mod back to it's purest form. It removes all the chance comments like 'push push' , 'go flat' etc and also strips back the verbose variations so things like 'road narrows' is always just called as 'narrow'. 'Mind the bump' is just 'bump' etc.
2. Half Flavour Download
This removes some of the flavour calls. The more outlying variations have been removed but some minor flavour still remains across the board. Chance comments like 'push push' , 'go flat' etc still happen but are less frequent and other verbose variations are somewhat paired back. It keeps the overall style of the full Darren co driver but a little more streamlined.  Kind of a halfway house between the default and no flavour.

3. Distance Flavour Only Download
This removes the flavour calls everywhere except the distance calls.  So the distance flavour like 'push push' , 'go flat' etc still happen but all other calls are stripped back  just like the 'no flavour mod'.
4. No Distance Flavour Download
This removes only distance flavour. So the distance flavour like 'push push' , 'go flat' etc are removed but other verbose variants like 'mind the bump' or 'road narrows' are still called. 
5. Full Flavour Download

This restores the co driver calls back to the default 'full flavour' as provided by the initial Darren co driver installation. You can use this to roll back any changes made by any of the other flavour mods on this page. There is no point in installing this mod initially as it's just for backup/restoration. 
6. Bonus 'Pro Flavour' Download

Same as the No Flavour mod but some calls are stripped further 'Don't Cut' is now just 'Don't'. 'Over Bridge' is just 'Bridge' etc. Some calls have been re-recorded with a more serious tone. Call speed is increased by 15% and the samples have subtly less processing. Thick, fast and clean. Can you handle it?

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