Which Scale?

TL;DR Cheatsheet Here

Currently Darren has these corner scales available (more may follow).  This is just personal preference, none of them provide more information than the others.  It's just  a matter of how you like the the corners described to you. Here's how to decide what you need.

Numeric Styles

1a. Standard Numeric

  • Corner Scale: 1, 2, Square, 3, 4, 5, 6, Flat

This is the Darren default.  It is also the pacenote plugin default and my 'development' scale so any beta versions and new releases will be initially based on this.  If you don't know or don't care get this one :)
Ascending numeric scale where 1 is a hairpin, Square is 90 degrees and Flat is full speed
Corner tightness is called before direction eg. 1 Left, Flat Right etc.

1b. Standard Numeric Swapped

Exactly the same as above but direction is called before tightness.  eg. Left 1, Right Flat etc.
Very popular in the real world and sounds good in use.

1c Reversed Numeric

  • Corner Scale: 6, 5, Square, 4, 3, 2, 1, Flat

Same as 1a but the scale is reversedDescending numeric scale where 6 is a hairpin, Square is 90 degrees and Flat is full speed.  If you think of the numbers as VERY roughly the corner angle in degrees it works quite well in practice.  Reverse scales are somewhat common in the UK.
Corner tightness is called before direction eg. 1 Left, Flat Right etc.

1d Reversed Numeric Swapped  

Scale is reversed like 1c but direction is called before tightness.  eg. Left 1, Right Flat etc.

2. Janne V2 English Numeric

  • Corner Scale: Hairpin, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Flat
Same scale used by Janne Laahanen in his popular co driver mod (English Numeric).
First and last calls are descriptive with ascending numeric 1-6 in between. Hairpin is tightest, 2 is 90 degrees and Flat is full speed.
Corner tightness is called before direction eg. 1 Left, Flat Right etc.


3. Porridge V5 Numeric

  • Corner Scale: Hairpin, Open Hairpin, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Based upon the popular series of co drivers by Porridge. Same as his Grist and Mills V5.
First two calls are descriptive then ascending numeric.  Hairpin is tightest, 1 is 90 degrees and 6 is full speed.
Corner tightness is called before direction eg. 1 Left, 6 Right etc.


4. Numeric 1-7, Flat

  • Corner Scale: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, Flat

Alternative ascending numeric scale.
All but last call is numeric.  1 is tightest, 3 is 90 degrees and Flat is full speed.
Corner tightness is called before direction eg. 1 Left, 6 Right etc.


5. Numeric 1-8

  • Corner Scale: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Alternative ascending numeric scale.
100% numeric.  1 is tightest, 3 is 90 degrees and 8 is full speed.
Corner tightness is called before direction eg. 1 Left, 6 Right etc.


6. Blythe Numeric

  • Corner Scale: Hairpin, Open Hairpin, Square, 3, 4, 5, 6, Flat

My own personal scale.  Based on standard numeric but first two calls are also descriptive.  Hairpin is tightest, Square is 90 degrees and Flat is full speed.
Corner tightness is called before direction eg. Hairpin Left, 6 Right etc.

7. Numeric HP, 1, SQ, 2-6 

  • Corner Scale: Hairpin, 1, Square, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Suggested by mjqt on my discord. Based upon the popular series of co drivers by Porridge. Similar to his Grist and Mills V1. Hairpin is tightest, 1 is 90 degrees and 6 is full speed.
Corner tightness is called before direction eg. 1 Left, 6 Right etc.

Descriptive Styles

8. Descriptive

  • Corner Scale: Hairpin, Slow, Square, K, Medium, Fast, Easy, Flat

Similar to Robert Reid but using slow and square instead of open hairpin and 90.  Great for beginners.
Generic descriptive style where corners are called using words instead of numbers.
Hairpin is tightest, Square is 90 degrees and Flat is full speed.

Corner tightness is called before direction eg. Hairpin Left, Flat Right etc.


9. Reid Descriptive

  • Corner Scale: Hairpin, Open Hairpin, 90, K, Medium, Fast, Easy, Flat

Based on Robert Reid.  Also great for beginners
Descriptive style very close to the original RBR co driver where corners are called using words instead of numbers.
Hairpin is tightest, 90 is 90 degrees and Flat is full speed.

Corner tightness is called before direction eg. Hairpin Left, Flat Right etc.

If you wish to discuss specific scales or try new ones in development hop over to my discord:

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